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At Longsnouts [Dog Training], we focus on using science- and reward-based training to enrich the human-canine relationship. Our goal is to live alongside relaxed, confident, well-behaved dogs able to successfully navigate our human world.

The Longsnouts focus is in creating a wonderful sidekick to enjoy, play with, and have a mutually satisfying relationship. Our niche is working with humans and dogs to create excellent partnerships, try new skills/sports, and have a heckuva lotta fun. Our goals include clear communication, dialogue, and creating a mannered dog (and human!) with a side of spunk.

From scentwork to 'ditching the bowl,' flirt poles to urban manners, our dogs are true companions. Longsnouts doesn't expect perfection or strict obedience; our shared world is less dictator, more conversation.

 Hannah, is our hands-on Lead Educator, and she is outside playing with dogs as much as possible!

Come play with us!

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